Sep 5, 2024

New store gift: simple mirror

I put in store a simple mirror that works fine. It is copy/mod, with a LI of 2. To see the reflexion, you need a PBR viewer, with mirrors checked in graphics. The reflexion will be sharper with a 2048 definition.

Reflexions are demanding on your computer, mirrors work better with more powerful machines.

You can get it inworld for 0L$:

JfL inworld store

Or on Marketplace for 1L$:

JfL Marketplace 


Sep 3, 2024

JfL moved, but just a little

 JfL moved. I downsized the land and moved the store closer to the street. 


 JfL new LM


It is smaller, with a minimalistic open space design, with PBR textures and mirrors.

The full packs will be in store, with a 25% refund for JfL group members wearing their group tag. 

The single colors will be found on Marketplace:

JfL on Marketplace



Sep 2, 2024

Abe, coming soon


New Fine line goatie, hair base and eyebrows. Bom layers 2K for EvoX only.